Thursday, March 19, 2009

U12 Players vs Parents

Andy and his girls

The Team

Brenna getting beat up

One of the dad's getting "shirted"

Last night Micaela's hockey team had a friendly game against the Dads. Brenna got to play on the kids team as well. Afterwards, we all went out to Gio's for pizza and pop. I believe a good time was had by all.

UND and State Hockey

This past weekend was a busy one for all of us. The Mjonesses and Storms got tickets to a UND playoff game and that's where we headed on Friday night. The Sioux were winning 4-2 with 10 minutes left in the third period so we decided to ditch out early and head over to a friends house to watch the rest of the Moorhead Spuds semi final game. Andy and Gary then headed off to Bemidji with Bri and Micaela because they had superseries practice the next day. Rach and I headed home with Brenna and Austin. While on the way home, some husbands came up with the brilliant idea that they wanted to attend the championship game in Mpls for Moorhead. After making some phone calls, it was decided Racheal and I would leave Moorhead around 6a to head down to the cities to go stand in line for tickets. Anybody that know me, knows that I am NOT a morning person and hate to drive in the cities. After a couple stops and wrong turns, we got there around 945a to go stand in line. Tickets went on sale at 11a so we were not there long. After getting tickets and visiting the hockey expo, we headed to our good friend Joe's house. Joe was kind enough to give us a place to crash......all 13 of us.
The Spuds ended up losing but we had a great time.

Hockey, Silver Bay and Misc

Last weekend we were in Silver Bay Mn for Micaela's hockey regionals. Let's just say we did more sightseeing than winning. I knew the weekend was going to be bad from the start. I forgot my tennis shoes at home. I was stuck wearing slippers which would not normally bother me but since the snow was melting and it was raining out, slippers are not the best things to wear. Thank god Racheal was coming down later and stopped at home to get my shoes.