Micaela's U10 Team had a tournament in Roseau this weekend. We lost the first game in a double overtime, 9 person shootout. The second game, we won 2-1 with Micaela scoring the game winning goal. The third game was another nail biter that also ended up in overtime. But, we managed to pull that one out winning 4-3 for Consolation Champions. Micaela's friend Brianna, our goalie, did a wonderful job all weekend. She really did her best and out shined alot of other goalies.
Andy is now fielding calls for MN Elites and Super Series. These are just two of the many tournaments he will be coaching in the next few months. He is on the phone from the time he comes home until he goes to bed. Cassie has even complained that he is on the phone more than she is! Cassie has her last home game this Saturday against Brainerd. She has made a lot of great friends but I think she is ready for the season to be over. Now that she will have a little more time on her hands, maybe she can finally break down and get her license.
I started my new job at NDSU as a Police Dispatcher a couple weeks ago and it is going really well. I work days one month and then evenings the next. Right now I am on days and let me tell you, after working nights for so long, this day stuff is for the birds. I get up around 6:15 am and have to leave the house by 7:15 am in order to get myself and the girls to school on time. Hence the reason I really want Cassie to get her license. The sooner, the better. And morning traffic, I can't believe how many idiot drivers there are out there. Okay, yes I can being in law enforcement for the past six years. I work with a great group of people and the atmosphere is much more relaxed. No more medicals, barking dogs or unlocks. Yeah God.
it is about time you post agian...now that you are on days maybe you will have more time for it....
Way to go Micae!!! You should all have the pleasure of seeing the girls play...maybe mom or dad can post a little video. I know i would never make it through these winters without hockey.
Would love to see a short video of the girls playing as you know I don't do Minnesota in the winter!! An anxious to see all of you this August...provided it isn't snowing..lol.. Love to all, Aunt J.
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