Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Another Season Comes to an End

As you read in previous posts, Cassie's team ended their season a couple weeks ago. Micaela and Brenna ended theirs just this weekend. They each had their own jamboree. Micaela's team finished as consolation champs and Brenna's team ended in 10th place. Not that great of an end to an otherwise good season. Next up is the endless tournaments that Micaela is in starting at the end of March with the Minnesota Super Series.
Micaela and Brenna have both signed up to play ball this summer also. Micaela will be trying her luck at fastpitch U10 softball and Brenna will be playing baseball again. Micaela's favorite NHL player, Dave Christian is putting together a hockey camp this summer that the girls will also attend.
Brenna has expressed desire to return to gymnastics. She even went as far to say she would quit hockey to go to gymnastics! Both mom and dad shot her down on that one.
Cassie is going back to work this week at NDSU. She is looking forward to going to Florida for spring break and then earning her own money to buy a better car (the one Poppy bought is not good enough even though it is FREE).


Mom-Grandma said...

I thought brenna's team finished 4th... It was a fun season to watch! Hope Brenna takes her riding lessons before she starts baseball. Micaela will be plenty busy attending camps all summer. Good job girls.

Mom-Grandma said...

Who's the top picture of?

Mom-Grandma said...

Who's the top picture of?

Mom-Grandma said...

Micaela...good luck and make us proud at Super series

The Mjonesses said...

Okay, Brenna's team took fourth. When I asked her, she had told me 10th so blame it on the little kid this time and not the fat kid!!!