Sunday, October 19, 2008

From nothing to lots

Brenna has been bothering me for quite some time now about her eyes hurting. Well, we went to the eye doctor and lo and behold, she needed glasses. She only needs them to read or work on the computer (just like her mama). She was able to pick out two pairs, one that is drk blue/lt blue and one that is pink/purple (even though Grandma told her no pink). She seems to enjoy them right now but I assume she will grow bored with them just like she does with everything else.

And yes, I know you have to look at her sideways. Never said I was a rocket scientist, close but just not quite


Anonymous said...

Brenna looks extra smart now! Cute I love them!

Elizabeth said...

Very cute Brenny! You look so much older now.

Mom-Grandma said...

Love Brennie's glasses...the purple isn't bad!