Thursday, November 27, 2008


Well, after getting up at 4:30 this morning and getting to the Fargo Airport and hour before our flight, we thought our day was going to turn out okay....WRONG. We got into Mpls just fine to sit for a four hour lay over. Airport chairs are not that bad to lay down on. We were all together for our flight from Mpls to Atlanta and that's when things got CRAZY. We sat on the tarmac for over an hour waiting to deplane. Delta's excuse was because it was the holiday and everyone is busy. Then we had 30 min to make out connecting flight in a different terminal. Ever see a fat girl sprint through the airport? Be me, it's not a pretty sight. We get to the gate all huffing and puffing and I was told to check in to get our seat assignments. The rude Delta lady (dragon fire) said I was all taken care of and they would get the seat assignment AS we were getting on the aircraft. OK THEN. All 5 of us march us there to find Pam in Row 25 Seat A, Micaela in Row 34 seat A, Cassie in Row 35 seat A and Andy and Brenna in Row 37 seats E and F. Yeah I was not happy with that one and made sure the gate agent knew it. The flight was completely booked so there was no chance of switching seats around. Favorite quotes from B on the plane as we are taking off, nose in the air ready to clear the tires below "OH GOD" in her outdoor voice. Pretty much everybody laughed at that. The when we landed it was "On man your freakin' me out here." She did pretty good being this was her first plane trip and it was a doozey. After retrieving all our luggage, we waved down a taxi man (no female body parts were used for this). Got to the Embassy and checked in. Our room is nice with a nice view of the pool. At this moment, Cassie and Brenna are sleeping away in their pull out bed, Micaela is watching adult swim in the king bed, I am in the sitting room typing and guess where Andy is at? Yup, the bar. The two drinks I bought him while waiting for our pizza wasn't enough.For some reason, I cannot load pics. I will try to get some up tomorrow. The plan for the day is get up sometime between 0630-0930 hrs and get our free breakfast, take showers and head down to the beach. Guess we'll see when this bear comes out of hibernation!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Mom-Grandma said...

I'm glad you guys made it ok. The girls sounded so excited when Andy called. Brenna says Puerto Rico is SO big. LOL Have tons of fun. Going to watch Micaela's team play tonight.