Saturday, December 6, 2008

Friday and Saturday

Well, today is Saturday and we finally made it home. It's nice to go on vacation but it is equally as nice coming home. The dogs were happy to see us and I imagine Izzy will too when we pick her up tomorrow.

Friday we spent the day at the beach again. The girls went parasailing about 350 feet in the air. Andy took pictures while on the boat and mom watched from the beach. I will post these pics and our return trip home pic tomorrow if I wake up.

Thanks to everyone for visiting our site everyday and keeping up with the Mjoness' (yeah, I know at times that's hard to do!). We appreciate the interest in our lives other than at the hockey arena.

The two hour time change feels like a million years. Right now, we all would be sacked out in bed in our cozy hotel room. We all got up about 6:30a San Juan time (4:30a here!)and got the day started. We made all our flights and they were on time except for the one from Mpls to Fargo. Of course that one had to be about and hour late. Needless to say, we are all dead tired and am just too lazy to unpack. I for one, am going to bed!


Elizabeth said...

Good to have you back in the lower 48! Can't wait to see all of your trip pics. Better have them ready by Christmas. See you all soon.

Mom-Grandma said...

Welcome back...I sure missed you all. Can't wait to see the pics.

bigdaddy said...

Looks like you guys had a great time. I hope your birthday was a fun one Pam.