Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Special Request........

The holidays are a time for family. Whether your born or blood related, it is your family. I would like to ask ALL of my family to please put differences aside for the next month and just get along. I am not asking for everyone to be touchy-feely-your-my-best-friend-in-the-world kinda getting along, I mean be civil to one another. You don't have to send a text, christmas card, birthday wish or anything to each other. JUST BE CIVIL. Say hi to one another when your in the same room. Be nice. And before anybody gets on my case, I am not judging anybody and am not singling anybody out. My dad lost his brother today and did not get home in time to say goodbye. My family has been split apart for the last year and a half and I am tired of the back stabbing, name calling people who are FAMILY. I am just as guilty as the next person. Nobody's perfect and I certainly have my flaws.

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