Sunday, September 21, 2008

"Stormy" Weekend

We spent most of the weekend at our other hockey family, The Storms house. The Harris's came up and the LeNoir's came down. Coleman even showed up for a while. Friday night, we made homemade pizzas and then retreated to the Movie Theatre room to watch "The Love Guru." I have to admit, when I saw the previews for this movie, I didn't care for it even though it starred Mike Myers. But something about sitting in a movie theatre in someone's home made the movie that much better. Saturday was a potluck followed by a mean game of kickball (yes, we play games other than hockey). It was the kids vs the parents. Parents won 15-3 and the kids went home SORE losers.
It was also Gary's birthday. He got a couple nice gifts. A pink tshirt that says "Tag, you're it" on the back. It's pretty much an inside joke between Andy and Gary about whenever they call each other, the voicemail picks up. Joe aka "Dude" also gave Gary a shirt that says "Dude" in the back and "Who's Gay? in the front with an arrow point up to the shirt wearer. It's pretty funny. There are alot of inside jokes between all of us. Very soon you will be seeing more of our shirts. Hey Wildcat family, we should trademark these?

1 comment:

The DUDE said...

Hey Look............. YOU BALL GAZER!!!!!!!