Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Very Soon.................

Hockey will be here! I got my Fargo Force season tickets a couple weeks ago and let me tell you, I am pumped! I have awesome seats in the dead center of the rink. Okay not exactly IN the center of the rink but on the side right in the middle.
Micaela starts Oct 6 and Brenna starts Oct 20. As most of you have heard, Cassie is not playing this year ): She has decided it would be better to hang up her skates and concentrate on her studies (or so mom would like to think). So for you Hazeldines, you won't have to bust out the "Let the magic out of the box" signs anymore. That also means we will not be down after Christmas for the Centennial Tournament. As soon as I have Micaela's schedule, I will post it for all to see.
Hey Harris' Vizslas rule and Boxers drool (literally). BALL GAZERS!


Elizabeth said...

We will miss your christmas time visit...maybe you can come up with another reason to come down. Maybe to spend your holiday cash at the mall!?

Daddy Hazeldine said...

We will just have to have you down for a wild game or we will have to go to a force game one of these weekends.....