Here is the newest member of our family. Lady Isabella "Izzy" is 9 weeks old. She was/is the pink puppy in the previous pictures. We had kind of a hard first night. I worked until midnight last night so when I got home, Izzy was curled up in between Brenna and Micaela. I let her outside in the back yard and she just looked at me like "what? you want to me to do what NOW?". Needless to say, she was not ready for bed when I was and cried in her kennel until I couldn't take it anymore. I brought her into bed with us and he found a comfortable place to sleep, on Andy's pillow right above his head. She was a good girl today going outside and trying to play with Lucy. Brigitte doesn't care for Izzy and Lucy is not sure what to do with her yet. Sometimes Lucy thinks she is a live play toy and other times, Izzy bugs the crap out of her. We played fetch outside for a while until Mom had to get some housework done. Then Izzy and I went inside and left Brigitte and Lucy on their own outside. Izzy was pretty good walking around trying to occupy herself but I guess I took a little too long as I found a surprise in Brenna's room!
She is cute! I thought you had another one also. I thought you had a total of 4!
What a nice puppy!1 Poor Brig...she's probably saying " NOT AGAIN"
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